Your local florist wherever you are!

Remind your closest how much they mean to you and send a flower bouquet today!

We list the 10 best sympathy flower delivery companies in the US

Sending sympathy flowers is an important part of how we show each other respect and express feelings that are difficult to talk about. We often know from personal experience how important a beautiful bouquet or flower arrangement can be in times of sorrow. That’s why you shouldn’t order sympathy flowers from any flower shop. We list the 10 best flower delivery companies in the US, and they have all been in business for years. You can be sure they will handle your order with care and deliver a beautiful flower arrangement anywhere in the country. What’s more, they have a wide network of florists, so the flowers will always be fresh at the time of delivery.


From You Flowers are passionate about flowers with over 35 years of experience. Delivery fresh flowers worldwide.   

4.5/5 is one of the largest online florists and delivers the same day to the USA and Canada.


Teleflora are proud to have been connecting customers with some of the nation’s best florists for more than 81 years.


FTD has been delivering flowers since 1910 and is displayed in nearly 35,000 floral shops in over 125 countries.


Flower Queen sends flowers to clients in more than 100 countries around the world, regardless of the day or time of delivery


For more than a decade, ProFlowers has been delivering beautiful, thoughtfully designed flowers!


Shop for season’s best. Choose from the most comprehensive collection of fresh flowers and gift baskets.


New York-based florist. Works best if you want flowers delivered in NYC


One of FTDs top 100 members and with same day delivery throughout the US and Canada.


Making people smile is no small accomplishment. It’s a passion that’s been in the family for over 40 years.

Day flower delivery is arranged by a florist and delivered on the same day.

Send sympathy flowers online

If you can’t be there, or if you just don’t know how to express your emotions in words, sending sympathy flowers is the way to go. There is something strangely comforting about being surrounded by flowers in a time of grief. Sending sympathy flowers online is easy and convenient, and they are guaranteed to be appreciated.

Same day delivery sympathy flowers

Suddenly you hear about the parent of an acquaintance or a colleague’s sibling passing away, and the funeral is taking place today. You’re not close enough for you to attend the funeral, but you still want to show you’re thinking about them. The companies on our site can usually arrange same day delivery of sympathy flowers, and it only takes a few minutes to place the order.

Add a gift basket sympathy flowers

A beautiful flower arrangement goes a long way in expressing sympathy. But why not add a gift basket with your sympathy flowers, full of gourmet sweets and other tasty treats? The companies on our site all offer various extras with the flower arrangements. Let us help you find the assortment that is right for you.

Delivery in over 100 countries!

Delivering Smiles All Over The World


Flowers delivered at your convenience

After you have clicked the final order button, you don’t have to worry about anything else. The flower delivery company will make sure a local florist creates the most beautiful and appropriate flower arrangement for the occasion and deliver it to the venue at the time you have specified. Everything takes place at your, and the recipient’s, convenience.

Order online to save time

It’s easy to order flowers online, and it saves time too. Let us do the hard work for you! Just use our site to find the flower delivery company with offers you like, then click your way to their order page and complete the order. That way, you find the best price for your needs without spending time on going through lots of websites.

Same day flowers delivery to anywhere in the US

The beautiful thing about ordering flower delivery online is that everything is still done locally. Simply put, an order comes through to one of the companies on our site, which then directs the order to a florist in the vicinity of the recipient. That local florist will then create the flower arrangement and deliver it to the right address at the right time. They can even do same day flower delivery to anywhere in the US.

Surprise and make the love of your life happy with beautiful flowers!

Suitable sympathy flower card text

If you’re not sure what a suitable text for the sympathy flower card would be, just think about what you would like to read in a time of grief. Let the friends or family of the deceased know you will miss him or her, and that they are in your thoughts and prayers. Avoid focusing on your own grief, but rather express your support.

Perhaps a poem with your sympathy flowers

Sometimes a poem expresses more than you could ever do with your own words. There are many lists online with popular poems for sympathy flower cards. If you happen to know the deceased had a favorite poet or singer-songwriter, that’s an excellent place to start looking.

What flowers are suitable sympathy flowers?

Traditionally, sympathy flowers, as well as funeral flowers, tend to be white or in pale colors. White lilies and roses are the most common ones and are always suitable sympathy flowers. Nowadays people sometimes forego tradition and ask well-wishers to focus more on celebrating the life of the deceased rather than mourn their death. If so, feel free to add more color. In any event, the florist creating the flower arrangement will have years of experience and know what to do.

Order online – let go of stress and worries

Why spend hours visiting florists or arranging with relatives on the other side of the country to buy flowers on your behalf? Spend your time wisely and let go of stress and worries by ordering sympathy flowers online. The companies on our site are tried and tested and the ordering process is really easy.

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